2008.10.26 H.Shirahama Project


Gtr&Vo: Mitsuhiro Saito

Spicy beat percussion: Masakazu Tangiku

Bass: Samu

Vo&Gtr: Hisashi Shirahama

Guest player

Shakuhachi: Toshiya Mizukawa

Gtr&Vo: Ichiro Tanaka

Set me freeEES‚ɐ±‚ή‰°•a‚Θ’Ž‚Η‚ΰ‚ͺQ‚ďo‚·@–\‚κo‚·


We're just a R&R band !

Hey, Samu ! Play the blues !

I am the eggman, they're the eggman. I am the walrus !

Fuckin' great time !

Thank you !

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