H. Shirahama project
You Tube & Karaoke
※カラオケ D.L方法
Speed of Love
written by Ryo Ishibashi & Hisashi Shirahama
時の流れは速く 突っ走る21Century
ただ一つ変わらないものはYou&Me Speed of Love
何もかもメタリックに色褪せるTechno Police
ただ一つ感じあえるものは You&Me Speed of Love
虚しき想い Boogieのリズム 吹き飛ばし
夜を踊り明かせ 腰を振り続けて
風は吹く氷河期のように Day by day Speed of Love
ただ一つ信じられるものはYou&Me Speed of Love
激しく揺れる Boogieのリズム ときめいて
2人確かめ合う 時を超えいつまでも
凍てつく心 Boogieのリズム 燃え上がり
夜を踊り明かせ 腰を振り続けて
ARB「One and only Dreams」(1986)に収録
Easy to Love
written by Ryo Ishibashi & Hisashi Shirahama
今日も空は眩しすぎて 風はカラカラに乾いて
何一つ満足出来ないまま 彷徨い歩いてる
長い夜が続いていた 一人毛布にくるまって
夢をつなぎ合わせてはみたけど 何処かに消えたよ
Easy to love 悲しみなら Easy to love ぶっ飛ばせ
Easy to love 弾けるなら Easy to love 思い切り
君は壁にもたれながら 人の流れを見つめて
古い傷跡を胡麻化しながら 溜息をついてる
どこかオレに似ていたのさ 笑うことさえ忘れてた
複雑な世の中の仕組みから 二人こぼれ落ちた
Easy to love 幻なら Easy to love 吹き飛ばせ
Easy to love 夢の中で Easy to love 蘇る
黒い噂が次々に 日ごと現実に変って
落ちるとこまで落ちてはみたけど 時は刻まれてく
深い絶望が続いて 君は悲しく微笑んだ
そしてオレは言葉を失って 君の肩を抱く
Easy to love 悲しみなら Easy to love ぶっ飛ばせ
Easy to love 幻なら Easy to love 吹き飛ばせ
Easy to love さぁ初めから やり直せ
Easy to love もう一度だけ 賭けてみる
不思議なお前の 不思議な魅力に 心奪われた
魂も体も 一つに結ばれて 熱く溶けていく
魂も体も 一つに結ばれて 熱く溶けていく
ARB「One and only Dreams」(1986)に収録
Rockin' in the free world
written by Neil Young (※訳詞:白浜 久)
白が先頭を奪い 小競り合いが始まった
お前の旗は何色だ? 足を引きずるのは黒か?
家を失ったヤツが言う 「死んだほうがマシだった」
Keep on rockin' in the free world, Keep on rockin' in the free world
子供を抱えた女 わずかな貯えも消え
彼女は誰のために生まれ 何のために生きたのだろう
愛した男達も今は 新しい家で笑う
Keep on rockin' in the free world, Keep on rockin' in the free world
幾億の善意があり 幾億の悪意がある
崖っぷちの子がいて 囃し立てるガキがいる
世界のリーダー達はまた 呪文のように語り掛ける
Keep on rockin' in the free world, Keep on rockin' in the free world
Day Dreamer
written by Ryo Ishibashi & Hisashi Shirahama
逃げてゆく 逃げてゆく お前の影 長い影 捕まえても 隙間から逃げてゆく
追いかけて 追いかけて 切り取られたグラビアのように すり抜けては 笑ってさよならかい
Day Dreamer I want you I need you I miss you
震えてる 震えてる 瞳の奥 胸の奥 鏡の中で 隠れて震えている
廻り出す 廻り出す お前の顔 冷めた顔 メトロポリスの 古いメリーゴーラウンド
愛してる 愛してる お前の声 オレの声 鉄の壁に 飛ばされて消えてゆく
Day Dreamer I want you I need you I miss you Oh Day Dreamer
1986年リリース ARB "One and only dreams" に収録
Not fakin' it
written by Nazareth
Slim Jim was a stool pidgeon on the payroll of the f.b.i.
Reverend Fred sold instant religion With a license from the man in the sky
Billy the kid was a gunslinger Edgar Wallace was a dead ringer Me, I'm
just a rock'n'roll singer
Keyhole Pete was a keen watcher Had a telephoto lens in each eye
Jack the ripper was a cool stalker But his birds no longer fly
James Joyce was a mudslinger. Jesus Christ was a forgiver Me, I'm just
a rock'n'roll singer
I'm not fakin' it. Foolin' myself that I'm makin' it I'm not fakin' it.
Tricky dicky was a fast talker but his promises were always a lie
Nostradamus was a doomwatcher, predicted when we're gonna die
Cleopatra was a love giver. Jesse James was a born killer Me, I'm just
a rock'n'roll singer
スコットランド出身の英国ロックバンド・Nazarethが1973年、発表したアルバム「Loud "N" Proud」に収録
I am the warlus
written by J. Lennon & P. McCartney
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun、See how they fly I’m crying
Sitting on a cornflake-waiting for the van to come
Corporation t-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday man
you been a naughty boy You let your face grow long
I am the eggman oh, I am the eggman, I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob
Mr. City policeman sitting pretty little policeman in a row
See how they fly like Lusy in the Sky see how they run I’m crying
I’m crying, I’m crying
Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog’s eye
Crabalocker fishwife pornographic priestess Boy
you been a naughty girl, You let your knickers down
I am the eggman, they are the eggman I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob
Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun
If the sun don’t come, you get a tan from standing in the English rain
I am the eggman, they are the eggman, I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob
Expert texpert choking smokers don’t you think the joker laugh at you
See how they smile like pigs in a sty, see how they anied, I’m crying
Semorina pilchards climbing up the Eiffel Tower
Elementary penguin singing Hare Khrishna
Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe
Happiness (※限定公開)
written by Ryo Ishibashi & Hisashi Shirahama
I want you see me once again. I want you stand be me again
この想いを抑えきれず Oh ! 俺は部屋を飛び出し Oh ! お前を連れ去りたい
砂漠の夜 渇いた河 俺たちは時を越えどこまでも流れてく
We can get happiness 時代は変わる Happinessきっと変わる
You let me burn my heart again. You let me feel so good again
無くすものはもう何も無い Oh ! 今確かめ合いたい Oh ! 闇をくぐりぬけたら
We can get happiness, Oh change it over O-O-Oh Happiness change it over
時代は変わるHappiness きっと変わる O-O-Oh Oh !
お前を抱きしめたい Oh ! 激しく燃え尽きたい
枯れた花に埋れるより 俺とお前は今日も明日を探してゆく
We can get happiness 時代は変わる Happinessきっと変わる
Happiness change it over Happiness 時代は変わるHappiness きっと変わる O-O-Oh
1987年リリース ARB "Rock Over Japan" に収録
A Horse With No Name
written by Dewey Bunnell
On the first part of the journey, I was looking at all the life
There were plants and birds. and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The first thing I met, was a fly with a buzz
And the sky, with no clouds
The heat was hot, and the ground was dry
But the air was full of soun.
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
After two days, in the desert sun
My skin began to turn red
After three days, in the desert fun
I was looking at a river bed
And the story it told, of a river that flowed
Made me sad to think it was dead
Gone Gone Gone
written by Everly Brothers
Some sunny day, baby When everything seems OK, baby
You'll wake up and find that you're alone 'Cause I'll be gone
Gone gone gone Really gone, Done moved on. 'Cause you done me wrong
Everyone that you meet, baby As you walk down the street, baby
Will ask you why you're walking all alone
Why you're on your own
Just say I'm gone. Gone gone gone
Done moved on. 'Cause you done me wrong
Everly Brothersが1964年に発表したアルバム「Gone Gone Gone」からシングルカット
Private Girl(※限定公開)
written by Ryo Ishibashi & Hisashi Shirahama
arranged by H. Shirahama
gtr, bs, dr, syn, piano & vo by H. Shirahama
愛してくれなきゃダメさ お前の秘密の小部屋に入れさせて
愛してくれなきゃダメさ お前は今夜貸切のP.G
目覚まし時計が鳴るまでの恋 いつまでも続くわけはないだろう
言葉は何もいらない お前の心の温もりに触れさせて
言葉は何もいらない お前の白い肌が眩しすぎて
愛してくれなきゃダメさ お前の秘密の小部屋に入れさせて
愛してくれなきゃダメさ お前は今夜貸切のP.G
1986年11月リリースされたアルバム「One and only dreams」からシングルカットされた
Pinball Wizard
written by Pete Townshend
Ever since I was a young boy I played the silver ball
From Soho down to Brighton I must have played them all
But I ain't seen nothin' like him in any amusement hall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball
He stands like a statue, becomes part of the machine
Feeling all the bumpers, always playing clean
He plays by intuition, the digit counters fall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball
He's a pinball wizard, there has to be a twist
A pinball wizard's got such a supple wrist
How do you think he does it? What makes him so good?
Well, he ain't got no distractions, can't hear no buzzes or bells
Don't see no lights a-flashin', he plays by sense of smell
Always have a replay, never tilts at all
That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball
I thought I was, The Bally table king
But I just handed. My pinball crown to him
Even on my usual table, he can beat the best
His disciples lead him in and he just does the rest
He's got crazy flipper fingers, I've never seen him fall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball
The Whoが1969年に発表したロックオペラ「Tommy」に収録
(後にピーター・フランプトン「Comes Alive」に抜かれた)
The Seven Seas of Rhye
written by Freddie Mercury
Fear me you lords and lady preachers
I descend upon your earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine. The seven seas of rhye
Can you hear me you peers and privvy
counsellors I stand before you naked to the eyes
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that you'll be mine. The seven seas of rhye
Sister - I live and lie for you. Mister - do and I'll die
You are mine I possess you. I belong to you forever
Storm the master-marathon I'll fly through
By flash and thunder-fire I'll survive
Then I'll defy the laws of nature and come out alive
Be gone with you - you shod and shady senators
Give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours
And with a smile. I'll take you to the seven seas of rhye
スゲエ! と思ったね
No Easy Road(※限定公開)
今日も何処かの国で繰り返してる まるでパズルを楽しむように
一つの時代が終り夜明けが来ても 平和の鐘は遠くで揺れる
ゲストボーカルにBoom Crash Operaのデイル・ライダーが参加している
渡豪前にBBCが制作したアパルトヘイト・ドキュメント「No Easy Road」を観て
And Your Bird Can Sing
written by Lennon - McCartney
Tell me that you've got everything you want
And your bird can sing, but you don't get me, you don't get me
You say you've seen seven wonders
And your bird is green, but you can't see me, you can't see me
When your prized possessions start to weigh you down
Look in my direction, I'll be round, I'll be round
When your bird is broken, will it bring you down?
You may be awoken, I'll be round, I'll be round
You tell me that you've heard every sound there is
And your bird can swing, but you can't hear me, you can't hear me
初めてのキス 何の疑いも無く身を任せて踊る
今夜も数え切れないLove affair
白けちまったぜ 誰か俺と どこかへシケこまないか
自由が重過ぎるのさ 耐え切れず逃げたくなる
眠れない夜 力尽きた戦士達が下水を流れ
自由なんて何処にある 未来なんて何処にある
自由が重過ぎるのさ 耐え切れず逃げ出すなよ
Long Way to Go
written by Michael Bruce, arranged by Alice Cooper Group
We still got a long way to go
We all got a long way to go
What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness
What's holding us together isn't love
Listen to the man who's been touched all his life
Yes he's the one they call the fool
Where is the saviour of the sidewalk life
And the road that takes us to the crusades
I've seen the shadows as they're moving in my sleep
Leading the blind poet to his grave
We still got a long way to go
Yes we all got a long way to go
Please don't waste your energy on me my friend
Cause we still got a long way to go
We'll meet again some day
But right now just go away
Cause I still got a long way to go
The silence is speaking
So why am I weeping
I guess I love it
I love it to death
Yes we still got a long way to go
Yes we all got a long way to go
School's Out
written & arranged by Alice Cooper Group
Well we got no choice, All the girls and boys
Making all that noise, 'Cause they found new toys
Well we can't salute ya, Can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya, That's a drag
School's out for summer, School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces
No more pencils, No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
Well we got no class, And we got no principles
And we got no innocence We can't even think of a word that rhymes
No more pencils, No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
Out for summer, Out till fall
We might not go back at all
School's out forever, School's out for summer
School's out with fever, School's out completely
written by Billy Gibbons
I woke up this morning, I was needing a blast
I jumped into my Chevy and I stepped on the gas
It didn’t take me long to get free
Riding down the highway my Chevy and me
Well I was approaching ninety, when I heard that siren scream
Looked into my mirror, you know what I seen
The man was coming up on me fast
I had to get my car, and give it some gas
Hallelujah, hallelujah Ride my Chevrolet
written by Gary Thain, Mick Box & Lee Kerslake
Walkin' around this concrete garden viewing all in vain
Thinking why a dream is driving everyone insane
Then something will come and make you feel the master in control
Still you're picking up and screwing anyone who's got a soul
I've been here far too long to remember
Sights and sounds from this town of clowns
Makin' up, dressin' up walkin' around
Thinkin' that you're Greta Garbos
I'm sorry my dears but we only sat down
And laughed and laughed in sorrow
But it was you that opened the door
And it's that we thank you for
Sittin' on a Fence
written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards
Since I was young I’ve been very hard to please
And I don't know wrong from right
But there is one thing i could never understand
Some of the sick things that a girl does to a man, so
I'm just sittin' on a fence. You can say I got no sense
Trying to make up my mind. Really is too hard to find
So I’m sittin' on a fence
All of my friends at school grew up and settled down
And they mortgaged up their lives
One things not said too much, but I think it's true
They just get married cause there's nothing else to do, so
The day can come when you get old and sick and tired of life
You just never realize
Maybe the choice you made wasn't really right
But you go out and you don't come back at night, so
Owe my own
OWE MY OWN 机にきざみ込んだ 思い出に生きるより
OWE MY OWN はいあがるチャンスをベッドの中で今夜も祈る
OWE MY OWN 花園に背を向けて前に倒れてくちはてるまで
Savoy Truffle
written by George Harrison
Creme tangerine and montelimat
A ginger sling with a pineapple heart
A coffee desert, yes you know it’s good news
But you’ll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy Truffle
Cool cherry cream and a nice apple tart
I feel your taste all the time we’re apart
Coconut fudge – really blows down those blues
But you’ll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy Truffle
You might not feel it now
But when the pain cuts through
You’re going to know and how
The sweat is going to fill your head
When it becomes too much
You’re going to shout aloud
You know that what you eat you are
But what is sweet now, turn so sour
We all know Obla-Di-Bla-Da
But can you show me, where you are?
What would it take
written by Jeff Lynne
Remember what you told me that you would always be there
If you change your mind now
Oh, what would it take to save me? What would it take to save me now?
Here comes another night and all the stars are shining
Could I make it right?
Woah, what would it take to save me? What would it take to save me now
Woah, what would it take? (What would it take to save me now?)
To save me?
Of all the things I do and everywhere they take me
You know what I go through
Ooh, what would it take to save me? What would it take to save me now?
目覚ましのベルと ママの優しい声に
安らかな眠りは 打ち砕かれてしまう ため息の月曜日
人ごみの孤独 すれ違う友達は
さぁ想い出して 夢に生きてた頃を
今よりずっと素敵な 夢に生きてた頃を
冷たい雨風が 激しく木々を揺らす
咲いたばかりの花も 次々に散ってゆく 退屈な木曜日
何万もの人が ひしめく狭い街で
さぁ想い出して 愛し合ってた頃を
真剣なまなざしで 見つめあってた頃を
さぁ想い出して 輝いていた頃を
何もかもまぶしくて 恋におちてた頃を
さぁ想い出して 夢に生きてた頃を
さぁ想い出して 愛し合ってた頃を
さぁ想い出して 輝いていた頃を
The Wizard
written by Ken Hensley and Mark Clarke
He was the wizard of a thousand kings
And I chanced to meet him one night wandering
He told me tales, and he drank my wine
Me and my magic man kinda feelin' fine
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire
And as he spoke, I felt a deep desire
To free the world from it's fear and pain
And help the people to feel free again
Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts
'Cause then I know we'd find that we're not so far apart
Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing
For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring
So spoke the wizard in his mountain home
The vision of his wisdom means we'll never be alone
And I will dream of my magic night
And the million silver stars that guide me with their light
Mr. Soul
written by Neil Young
Oh, hello Mr. Soul, I dropped by to pick up a reason
For the thought that I caught that my head is the event of the season
Why in crowds just a trace of my face could seem so pleasin'
I'll cop out to the change, but a stranger is putting the tease on
I was down on a frown when the messenger brought me a letter
I was raised by the praise of a fan who said I upset her
Any girl in the world could have easily known me better
She said, You're strange
but don't change, and I let her
In a while will the smile on my face turn to plaster?
Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster
For the race of my head and my face is moving much faster
Is it strange I should change? I don't know, why don't you ask her?
written by Russ Ballard
I won't ever leave you want me to stay
Nothing you could do That could turn me away
Hanging on anyway Believing the things you say
Being the fool
Taken my life So take my soul
That's what you said I believed it all
I want to be with you Long as you want me to
But don't move away
Ain't that what you said?
Liar Liar, liar
We have seen no night We have seen no day
If I ever leave Would you want me to stay?
You can believe in me
I won't be leaving I won't let you go
Taken my life So take my soul
That's what you said But who are we to know?
I want to be with you Long as you want me to
But don't move away
I can hear the grass grow
written by Roy Wood
See the people all in line
What's makin' them look at me
Can't imagine that their minds
Are thinkin' the same as me
I can hear the grass grow I can hear the grass grow
I see rainbows in the evening
My head's attracted to a magnetic wave of sound
With the streams of coloured circles, Makin' their way around
I can hear the grass grow I can hear the grass grow
I see rainbows in the evening
Can't seem to puzzle out the signs
My sense is form a micro line
Get a hold of yourself now baby
See I need you to help now baby
Get a hold of yourself now baby
Put your head down to the ground
And listen to your mind
You can't spell what you found
I know that you're not my kind
I can hear the grass grow I can hear the grass grow
I see rainbows in the evening
Useless Information
written by Roy Wood
Sister Jane has a little book
Full of autographs of useless people
Seems a waste of the time she took
And it gets me mad which makes us equal
Ooh, hundreds of people left out in the cold
Wearing the shoes that were silver and gold
Useless information Tons of useless information
Seems to fill my head With nowhere else to go (Isn't it amazing)
Mrs. Payne at the door again
With the news about her operation
Will her god ever make the rain
Wash away such useless information
Isn't it amazing
Now you can see why Conversation is dying
And time is passing you by
Hundreds of people filling my head with useless information
The Seeker
written by Pete Townshend
I've looked under chairs, I've looked under tables
I've tried to find the key, To fifty million fables
They call me The Seeker
I've been searchin' low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after till the day I die
I asked Bobby Dylan. I asked the Beatles
I asked Timothy Leary. But he couldn't help me either
They call me The Seeker
I've been searchin' low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after till the day I die
People tend to hate me. Coz I never smile
As I ransack their homes. They wanna' shake my hand
Focusing on nowhere Investigating miles
I'm a seeker. I'm a really desperate man
I learned how to raise my voice in anger
Yeah but look at my face ain't this a smile
I'm happy when life's good and when its bad I cry
I got values but I don't know how or why
I'm lookin' for me. You're lookin' for you
Were lookin' at each other and we don't know what to do
They call me The Seeker
I been searchin' low and high
I wont get to get what I'm after
till the day I die
Mean Mr. Mustard ~ She came in through the bathroom window
written by J. Lennon and P. McCartney
Mean Mister Mustard sleeps in the park
Shaves in the dark trying to save paper
Sleeps in a hole in the road
Saving up to buy some clothes
Keeps a ten-bob note up his nose
Such a mean old man
His sister Pam works in a shop
She never stops, she's a go-getter
Takes him out to look at the queen
Only place that he's ever been
Always shouts out something obscene
Such a dirty old man
She came in through the bathroom window
Protected by a silver spoon
But now she sucks her thumb and wanders
By the banks of her own lagoon
Didn't anybody tell her? Didn't anybody see?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday
Tuesday's on the phone to me
Oh yeah
All the Children Sing
written by Todd Rundgren
See Ms. Malone. She spends another quiet evening alone
Sits in her study and stares at the phone
And a bell in her head will ring
All the children sing
All the dancers start to sway in time
The orchestra begins to play
Somebody pours the wine
The sun and moon collide
Isn't gravity a funny thing
The universe explodes apart All the children sing
Of Mr. Malloy. He's always seen himself as one of the boys
He thinks that men are tough and women are toys
But a bell in his head will ring
All the children sing
All the birds are chirping harmony
The scent of love is in the air Sunset on the sea
The angel of the lord Just declared we aren't worth a thing
The galaxy is null and void All the children sing
Crawled across a thousand miles of desert sand
Looking from an answer from a holy man
And this is what he told me with a wave of his hand
He said, "A bell in your head will ring"
Here's to the Chinaman, wise and old
Here's to the Eskimo, brave and cold
Here's to the Jew in the holy land
Here's to the Arab in his caravan
Here's to the African, strong and proud
Here's to the redneck, good and loud
Here's one to you and there's one more thing
A bell in your head will ring
Cold Morning Light
written by Todd Rundgren
I believe if I was all alone
I would be better off in a world my own
I'd forget I ever knew of you
And this dream every night that you put me through
We walk along a Hollywood sea
And you dance once again with me
We are close, we are friends
And our love never ends
But in the cold morning light I see
That you won't be back for me
The wound you left is healing and then
It starts itching and I scratch it open again
So the pain comes out and I give in
And indulge my imaginations, whims
We sit and drink Victorian tea
And your face wears a smile for me
I was yours, you were mine
Our hearts bound, lost in time
But in the cold morning light I see
That you won't be back for me
there can be no peace
For me there can be no rest
I believe though I've tried my best
I'm condemned it seems
To a life of restlessness and broken dreams
We are close, we are friends
And our love never ends
But in the cold morning light I see
That you won't be back for me
Couldn't I just tell you
written by Todd Rundgren
Keep your head and everything will be cool
You didn't have to make me feel like a fool
When I tried to say I feel the way that I do
I want to talk with you
And make it loud and clear, though you don't care to hear but
Couldn't I just tell you the way I feel?
I can't keep it bottled up inside
And could we pretend that it's no big deal
And there's really nothing left to hide?
Something sure doesn't seem right to me
You can turn your back whenever you please
And you stroll away and calmly bid me adieu
Why can't I talk with you?
And put it in your ear, though you don't care to hear but
Why don't you lend me an ear
You got no reason to fear
I'll make it perfectly clear. I love you
I don't come whining with my heart on my sleeve
I'm not a coward, if that's what you believe
And I'm not afraid but not ashamed if it's true
I got to talk with you
And then I'll make it clear
Make it clear. Make it clear
Turn of the Century
written by Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb
Everything's happening, at the turn of the century
I'm gonna buy myself a time machine Go to the turn of the century
And all those people passing by
And the town crier makes his cry
At the turn of the century. Turn of the century
Big wide hats and men is spats, at the turn of the century
With those horseless carriages, at the turn of the century
And there are lots of things to do, On a bicycle built for two
At the turn of the century. Turn of the century
Everything's happening, at the turn of the century
I'm gonna buy myself a time machine Go to the turn of the century
And all those people passing by And the town crier makes his cry
At the turn of the century. Turn of the century
New York Mining Disaster 1941
written by Barry Gibb, Maurice Gibb and Robin Gibb
In the event of something happening to me
there is something I would like you all to see
It's just a photograph of someone that I knew
Have you seen my wife, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it's like on the outside?
Don't go talking too loud, you'll cause a landslide, Mr. Jones
I keep straining my ears to hear a sound
Maybe someone is digging underground
or have they given up and all gone home to bed
thinking those who once existed must be dead
Have you seen my wife, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it's like on the outside?
Don't go talking too loud, you'll cause a landslide, Mr. Jones
In the event of something happening to me
there is something I would like you all to see
It's just a photograph of someone that I knew
Have you seen my wife, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it's like on the outside?
Don't go talking too loud, you'll cause a landslide, Mr. Jones
Walk Right Back
written by Sonny Curtis
I want you to tell me why you walked out on me
I'm so lonesome every day
I want you to know that since you walked out on me
Nothing seems to be the same old way
Think about the love that burns within my heart for you
The good times we had before you went away from me
Walk right back to me this minute
Bring your love to me don’t send it
I'm so lonesome everyday
written by L. Richard & Albert Collins
Lucille, you don’t do your daddy’s will
Lucille, you don’t do your daddy’s will
They ain’t nothing to you, but I love you still
Lucille, please come back where you belong
Lucille, please come back where you belong
I think good to you, baby Please don’t leave me alone
I woke up this morning, Lucille was none inside
Asked friends about her, All there lips were tight
Lucille, please come back where you belong
I think good to you, baby Please don’t leave me alone
In My Own Time
written by Barry and Robin Gibb
received an invitation
'Come to the United Nations
That was when I was somebody
In my own time
Sitting selling hot cross buns
Thousand suckers ev'ryone
Sounds like a nurs'ry rhyme
In my own time
Even when the lights go out
Still got things to think about
Memories I can't call mine
In my own time
My own time.
My own time
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